How to win at online poker machines

Although winning at poker machines, online or otherwise, is primarily a matter of luck, here are some tips that can greatly improve your chances for success.

Play at an online poker casino that’s well established

First off, choose an online casino that has been in business for a while. It’s easy for a casino to appear one day and disappear the next, ripping off unsuspecting players in the interim. Casinos that have been around for a while are more likely to treat players fairly, as players don’t return to untrustworthy casinos and they go out of business. You can play with confidence on all casinos promoted on this site.

Pick your pokie machine carefully

It’s no longer a secret that payout percentages in online pokie gambling are generally more generous than in traditional casinos. However, there are a multitude of different games available and this can be confusing. Read FAQ What are the different types of online poker machines?, try out different games and find the ones that appeal to you the most.

Learn to play your choice of online poker game

Every online pokie game is a bit different. Before you start to play online pokie in earnest, take time to familiarize yourself with the rules of your chosen game/s. If your game offers “wild symbols”, “multipliers” or “scatters”, make sure you understand what that means. Make sure you know how the bonuses work as well. If you’re playing with money the casino has given you, it is very important that you read and understand the casino’s “terms and conditions”, so you won’t have any disappointments when you try to cash out.

Understand the poker payout tables

Every online poker machine has a payout table that tells you how much you can win for each combination. It’s a good idea to study the payout table before starting to play an unfamiliar game. It will often give you helpful clues about the best way to play. For example, on some machines, the payout table says that if you bet one coin and line up three 5s you will win 2,000 coins for a payout of 2,000 to 1. If you bet two coins, you will win 4,000 coins – also a ration of 2,000 to 1. However, if you bet 3 coins and hit three 5s, you will win 8,000 coins, giving a much better payout ratio of 2,667 to 1.Clearly in this case, betting three coins is the best strategy. You may be thinking that you’d like to conserve your bankroll to play longer and that three coins is too large a bet. The solution? Simply select a smaller coin value. Wagering three small coins won’t cost you any more than wagering one large coin, but it makes you eligible for the higher payout ratio of 2,667 to 1. So you can see, it pays to read the payout tables carefully and use your brain to come up with the best strategy!