Free Slots No Download Or Registration

I have found a lot of people looking for online pokies and slot machine sites that are free and require no download or registration.

Free Play

The free play factor is easy to address, these following casinos all offer free play without any cash deposits.

No Registration

This is a more difficult one. Yes you can find them, but in our experience there are no good ones, they rarely work properly in many browsers, they never work on mobile devices and the picture and play quality is like something from the 90’s. The reason being they likely raise no money and therefore are not able to invest in making them good. When the price of entry to get to play on something really exceptional is a simple sign up process its a no brainer. Also unlike many people think, the online casinos we recommend NEVER send spam emails, it is one of our top criteria.

No Download

Unfortunately though these were popular prior to 2012, since then flash based pokies (no download pokies) have become all but obsolete. Flash based games use huge amounts of computer resources and rarely work smoothly so all the good casino opted to migrate to an application based interface.

All that said, here are the top 3 casinos we would recommend for great free online play:

Though this is something that is easy found online and we will go into this later on, participating in these sorts of sites is a complete waste of time! There are quite a few real online pokie and slot sites that though require registration will give you free credits to play and you will then have a chance to at least earn some money!

The large majority of pokie sites we list on this site offer free cash credits on sign up and the registration process online takes a minute. I encourage anyone looking to get into playing pokies and slots online consider doing this before wasting any time with anything else.

If you are only looking to play for a couple minutes just to see what it would be like then again getting started with a real online pokie company still makes a lot of sense. At least this way if you do decide to get involved more heavily not only will you already have an account set-up but you will also be considered at premium member by that time which has multiple benefits.

If even after reading all this you would still prefer to only play with what is considered an online toy then please feel free to do so, many of these types of sites can be found by searching in google for terms such as “free online pokie games online and the like”.