Online Slot Machines

So what are online slot machines and more importantly why should anyone be interested in playing them?

Online slot machines are commonly found in a number of the online casino sites found in Australia. These slots offer players the opportunity to start playing poker machines from the comfort of their very homes through credits they buy in the casino.

What are the advantages to playing slots online?

  1. The first and foremost advantage has to be the comfort of playing from your own home. All that is required is a computer and an above dial up speed modem. Playing online slot machines does not require a large amount of internet band width.
  2. The payout rate of slot machines online is considerably higher than that of any physical bar or casino slot machine you will find. The average payout rate of a physical slot machine is around below 90%. The payout rate on most online slot machines is close to 98% in some instances it can be 99%. This makes sense because they do not require people to monitor and repair the machines. This gives playing slots online a huge advantage to traditional machines.
  3. Sign Up Bonuses! When one joins an online slot machine site for the first time they are often given an invitation to get bonus sign up credit. These credits range from, matching your initial investment dollar for dollar to giving any new member a $1000 sign up credit on the completion of sign up.  Again another great advantage that online slots have over traditional machines.

What can you do to get started in playing online slot machines?

Many places to start playing online slot machines can be found on this site. We strive to providing the most updated list of only the best companies available at present. If there are no machines that meat your needs on our site please let us know and if going to look elsewhere to find more appealing sites please be careful.