Record Online Pokies Jackpot Won!

Last night an unsuspecting pokie player got the shock of their life when they hit the jackpot on micro gaming’s Mega Moola, a jackpot often played under from the casinos we recommend.

The player cashed in a total of 5.5 million US dollars which is about the same in Australian dollars right now, breaking the 11 year online pokie machine record previously hit on the same jackpot 5 years ago now.

He won it from a 50 cent bet believe it or not! He has literally become an over nigh multi millionaire!

To put the icing on the cake the most impressive part of this story is that the player was still utilising the free money from a bonus he received when he signed up.

If only everyone could be so lucky hey…

You can play Mega Moolah on any of our recommended casinos encase you didn’t know.